Our goals:

Teaching the original Japanese martial arts

Cooperating with the local goverment's healthcare, urbanization and recreation program by proper trainings for every age

We train to work out a natural self-defense mechanism and maintain resposibility. This way we manage to lower the individual's separation from the society.

By training and teaching the youth we cooperate with the goals of our district in healthcare and drug-prevention.

Our trainings according to the National Educational System's plan prepare the children for a healthy life.

Using the ancient Japanese traditions we take an active part in the mental education of the youth.

We offer a chance for challenge, competition, to be a professional martial art trainer or to live the life as a martial artist.


The Organisation:

Our club is a registered company of public utility.

The presidency – the preident, the financial manager and the secretary – holds regularly general meetings.

The club was founded in 1995 under the leadership of the French directory of the World's most respected martial art association, the Nihon Tai Jitsu International Federation.

Nihon Tai Jitsu, recognized by the Japanese masters and adapted to the European specialities by the French masters, is a traditional Japanese martial art. Nihon Tai Jitsu in Hungary was adopted by Raymond Jugeau French master.

Following the goals of our club we not only concentrate on physical excercises during the training but also teach the Oriental phylosophy, culture and behaviour.

We aim to give a better, calmer, constructive way of life to our members.

Our Sensei, Tamás Pospischil has been teaching children and adults for 18 years and many of his students became Hungarian Champion and World Champion. However we believe that sense of martial arts is not competing and our goals are more than this.


Mr Pospischil is a widely experienced martial artist:

Nihon Ju-Jitsu 4 dan

Hakuda Jutsu 4 dan

Nihon Tai-Jitsu 3 dan

Jukokai Jutsu 1 dan

Judo 2 dan

Kung-fu Sifu

Aikido 2 kyu (instructor)

Japanese Imperial Martial Art Academy – Martial Art Instuctor Certificate

Mr Pospischil and his assistants (sempai) think it is very important to start the trainings in the kindergarden, since children are highly impulsive and they can easily get used to trainings and to a special way of life.

Many children and even some adults in our groups suffer from hyperactivity, movement coordination problems. Some of these individuals followed a medical recommendation when beginning the trainings. Thanks to the progressive, specialized trainings and the hard physical excercises they feel much better, more self-confident.

Sometimes parents, who can't handle the bad behaviour of their children decide to make their kids to attend to our trainings. These children „beyond control” go through a positive change very soon and often become an enthusiastic member of the dojo.

We aim to keep the childrens' physical and mental development in balance during their education. For this reason some of our trainers teach martial arts in schools as a part of the gymnastic lesson.

Many of our members started to learn martial art in their elder ages. They're all enthusiastic about the trainings and they don't mind to spend their freetime in the dojo.

The possibilities in our association are wide. These are: Judo, Nihon Ju-Jitsu, Nihon Tai-Jitsu, Kobudo, Aikido, Iaido, Hakude Jutsu.

To keep the quaility high, our Sensei Pospischil and his Sempais take part regularly on national and international meetings and training camps. We always organize training camps before exams and competitions. Children also have the possibility to join to museum visiting.

We make several shows in our main dojo, in the Educational Centre of Óbuda and we are often invited to company meetings and congresses.